Browse Tag "GUESS"
The Event : OpelAdam&Glamour Tour, Napoli

Come vi avevo anticipato in questo post, ieri sera ho partecipato come Fashion Angel all’evento OpelAdam&Glamour presso un locale fichissimo a Napoli! Vedere una discoteca che frequenti abitualmente per le tue serate danzanti trasformarsi in un vero e proprio set fotografico è davvero interessante e strano allo stesso tempo! All’ingresso del locale ad accogliere gli ospiti c’era il nuovo modello della macchina OpelAdam, super fashion e interamente personalizzabile … come un outfit! E’ proprio questo il mood che ha caratterizzato la serata! Chiunque volesse poteva lasciarsi consigliare da me e da Chiara un accessorio per completare il proprio look Glam, Slam o Jam e farsi poi fotografare in questo fantastico set! Io mi sono divertita un sacco, anche perchè tutte le persone che hanno partecipato si sono prestate a questo simpatico divertimento con entusiasmo! Trasformare un look glam in slam e così via, insomma, uno spasso! Io per la serata ho deciso, come al solito d’altronde, di fare l’anticonformista e anzichè indossare un look glam in discoteca ne ho indossato uno super SLAM! Pantaloni oversize, tee con frange e …. cuffie! Ma ora vi lascio alle foto!

Se volete partecipare anche voi al tour OpelAdam&Glamour ,controllate a questo link quali saranno le prossime date e location in modo da potervi registrare! Vi ricordo che c’è anche un fantastico concorso abbinato al tour… da non farsi scappare assolutamente!

Buona serata!!!


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I was wearing:

HEFTY fringed tee | GUESS pants | DIY scarf | CRUCIANI bracelets |

With a long skirt and fringes on my sleeve!

fringes faux fur

Good morning , guys ! Finally a new outfit, and finally one of those outfits I really love and adore! Wearing long skirts is my passion and this one is nice cause it’s different from the one you saw before, it’s not pleated and it has tears on both sides! I choose to wear a simple tee with a fringed and studded sleeve ( LOVE LOVE LOVE ). Obviously everything matched with my new Northland black fauxfur vest and Zalando golden boots *_*

A simple gold detail at my neck and the Jessicabuurman bag with the studs on the bottom are quite perfect for the outfit.

In which occasion would you wear it ? Are you still on mood “I wanna wear only long skirts” like me ? LOL

Have a nice day <3

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Union Jack

Hello guys, finally today I’m introducing to you a project which I’m pretty close to… I had my first VIDEO outfit :D Yey , I’m so proud of it and , of course, with the help of my friend Davide the result it’s better then I thought! I was wearing a long pleated skirt with a maxi maxi maxi cardigan ( which is so warm and my fav as well ) , everything paired with the hige flag bag by Kilesa Italia. In this post I even tried to dare with the famous and disagreeing trend of  “socks+sandals“. I chose to wear these red shoes I bought last summer in California with a pair of socks… I think that the result was not bad, but what do you think? I wish you a nice day, cheers <3

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Urban Jungle

Please, don’t ask my why I do love so much this outfit cause… I dunno! There’s something that makes me feel inspired here, maybe black/white mixed with red ( my three fav colors ), or maybe because of the hat in contrast with the heels, or murales, i really don’t know, but I LOVE the mood of these pics! Something different for sure! I obviously have to admit that without an amazing photographer as Giuseppe the result wouldn’t be the same ( I thank him for the amazing pics and for the red hat he borrowed to me :D )! Anyway, stop chatting, just look at those pics and tell me for which occasion would you wear it ( I already got an idea ;) ). Many hugs for you! Continue Reading

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Rossella <3