Browse Tag "pinko"
Half a romance with nude colors

Today form many of you it’s a super special and romantic day, San Valentine’s Day !

I won’t celebrate this day but I choose to post a pretty romantic outfit for you. What would you do this special day? Will you go to the restaurant, a special dinner at home or whatelse? I can suggest you a romantic outfit for your special occasion. Yes, it’s still quite cold outside but don’t let the weather ruin your special day with your soulmate and just feel free to wear nude colors, light, soft colors. I choose to break the light tones with a military/neon De’Hart jacket ( I really adore ) and military tights :) I don’t use to wear nude colors but in summer and light pink for San Valentine’s Day it’s the right time for doing it! I really hope you like the cute and romantic atmosphere in these pics!


Oggi per molte di voi sarà un giorno particolarmente speciale, San Valentino!

Io non lo festeggerò, ma ho deciso ugualmente di condividere con voi un outfit davvero romantico. Cosa farete stasera ? Andrete al ristorante o farete una cenetta al lume di candela a casa, cosa farete ? Io qui vi suggerisco un outfit che potrebbe andar bene per la vostra occasione speciale con la dolce metà! Sì, è vero, fa ancora molto freddo, però perchè rovinare un giorno così bello vestendoci con colori tristi? Sentitevi libere di indossare capi dai colori neutri, chiari, dolci. Io tuttavia ho scelto di smorzare questi colori-non-colori con la mia giacca verde militare/fluo di De’hart ( che adoro ) e calze in tinta :) Solitamente non indosso colori così chiari se non in estate o primavera, ma questo giorno mi sembra l’occasione giusta per fare un’eccezione! Spero vi piaceranno i toni dolci e romantici di queste foto!

Vi abbraccio,


ps: I miei Valentino siete tutti voi <3


23 4 10 9 8 7 6 5

 I was wearing:

DE’HART jacket | BETTY BLUE tee | ELISABETTA FRANCHI scarf | ZARA skirt | PINKO wedges | H&M clutch | MIA’s anchor bracelets | HAPPINESS TFT bracelet |


detail baroque pants and suede jacket
Baroque pants and my vintage suede jacket

My mom bought this suede jacket into a vintage market many years ago to my sister when she was a child. I remember when I found it last year. I was like “Oh my god, this is beautiful” and oddly the jacket is older than me XD I rarely wear these warm colors, I’m kinda black-addicted as you know, but I thought to this outfit when I saw that jacket into my wardrobe. The suede is still soft and beautiful after so many years, gorgeous. I even don’t carry my Speedy bag by Louis Vuitton for the same reason, the colors of that bag are not into my taste anymore. But I think that this outfit it’s a really nice combo: suede, camel and blue. But I really want to know your opinion about it! And most of all, what do you think about the baroque trend ? I love it!

Have a nice day <3

Mia madre acquistò questa giacca di camoscio in un mercatino vintage tantissimi anni fa a mia  sorella quando era ancora piccolissima. Ricordo quando  l’ho trovata circa un anno fa tra dei vecchi abiti, pensai subito che fosse stupenda e stranamente la giacca è più vecchia di me ahaha. Non indosso spesso colori così caldi, come sapete sono una specie di black-addicted , ma mentre cercavo l’ispirazione per un outfit nel mio guardaroba ed ho visto lei, subito mi è venuto in mente questo outfit. La pelle è ancora morbidissima e stupenda dopo così tanti anni. Per lo stesso motivo non indosso spesso neppure la Speedy bag di Louis Vuitton, i suoi colori non rientrano più i miei gusti. Però credo che questa combinazione di colori sia davvero bella : camoscio, cammello e blue. Ma sono davvero curiosa di sapere cosa ne pensate voi! E soprattutto, cosa ne pensate del trend “baroque” ? A me piace da matti!

Vi auguro una fantastica giornata!


outfit with baroque pinko pants and louis vuitton speedy bagsuede vintage jacket and speedy lv bagclose-up face hat borsalinodetail braceletdetail pants baroque and speedy lv bagoutfit suede jacket and baroque pantssuede vintage jacketlouis vuitton speedy bagsuede jacket and chained necklaceborsalino hatrayban wayfarer sunglassesshopJeffrey Campbell Carley wedges , louis vuitton speedy bag, betty blue hatcamel tshirt

I was wearing:

VINTAGE suede jacket | GOODLOOK tee | PINKO pants | JEFFREY CAMPBELL wedges | KOCCA hat | LOUIS VUITTON speedy bag | RAYBAN WAYFARER sunglasses | CRUCIANI bracelets | HANDMADE necklace |


Killer heels and red lips.

red bag and iphone

I love this outfit. Everything born from the shoes and the shirt. I choose to break the usual total black with green, white and red. I think it’s a combo that can work. It’s not too fancy, it’s quite but chic and rock at the same time… and my fav part, of course, red lips. I love wearing red lipstick, I feel instantly more confident and”dressed up”. It’s kind of strange unconscious process, every woman feels more confident and sexy with red lips. Don’t you agree? But I’m curious to know if you like this outfit or not. Have a nice day <3

ps: I’m in love with the shoes *_* Continue Reading

Pinko cross jacket and skull bag

Pinko cross jacket and skull bag outfit

After many raining weeks finally the weather here in Naples is getting so much better! This is an outfit from last week, a workin’ outfit! Total black or part of it, of course. Crosses on my jacket , I love so much this PINKO jacket, and Elisabetta Franchi trousers. Simple, comfy, rock. I love this combo! Maybe this is not one of my best outfit ever, but I love so much that PINKO jacket that I cannot say I don’t like this outfit LOL

The bag is by Kilesa Italia a new brand from my city, you saw the big already HERE and the other model HERE ! I just saw the new collection SS during “The Fashion Show” ( I’ll post about this event soon ) and I loved each new piece of the coll. Simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! I hope you’ll have a nice day <3

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